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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fantasia - A Book Club


Fantasia is a page I  created to  keep  a bucket-list of books I  have read.  I  wanted this page to  be a common  ground for the people to post any  books they  read and enjoyed and also  circle back to  the page when  they are looking  for a book to  read.

Fantasia is a Latin  word which  means Fantasy  Land,  when  I  heard this word I  thought  perfect  don't  we all  go into  a fantasy  land when  we read a book.  Our mind starts generating  these imaginary  places and people in  our mind. I  don't  know if everyone does but  some times I  also  start thinking  which  actors will  be best  suited for these roles,  if the movie is made based on  the book  I  am  reading.

This weekend there was a huge sale by  Half price books where the whole place was filled by  books. Wow,  so  many  books under one roof and all  books $2.00 and under. But  its was so  hard to  pick  few books out  of so  many. So  many books I  wanted to  read. So  many  authors I  would like to  read. I  came back  home with a box full  of books. I  really  feel  good seeing  that my  kids also love for reading. Its a very  nice feeling  when  they are trying  to  suggest  an  author or a book to  read. " Mom read this you  will like it." " Mom he is such  a great  author you  will  really  enjoy  reading  his books".

I  like all kinds of book,  but  dark  and depressing. I  love reading  Mystery,  Romance, Amish, Thrillers,  some memoirs and autobiographies.    I  also  enjoy  books from  different Countries.  these book  give an  inside glimpse of how people live in  different  parts of the world, there culture.  Many  a times I  am so  thankful to be born  in  a good family,  got married in  a good family,  they  helped me make better decisions and helped me be an  independent person. I am  a citizen  of a country,   Where I  always have independence to  choose my  career, path of  my  life. 

I  always refer to  the website to  get  a review of the books I  want  to  read. This website is such a  good resource to  refer to for a reader  like me.

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