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Friday, April 29, 2016

My Dad's Birthday Today

Happy  Birthday  to  you  dear  Papa...  How much  I  wish  that you  would have been  here in  this world with  us. We all miss you  a lot, I  really wish that the times should have been  different, and you can come to  visit  me and stay  with  us. Spend good times with  your grandkids. They remember you from  your last  visit.

My  Papa would have been  75 years old today. My  Dad passed away January  of 2013,  he was gone very  soon,  but then  I  cannot  say  very  soon he actually  really  suffered enough. I  don't  wish that he should have suffered even  a single day more then he actually  did. My  dad was diagnosed with Blood Cancer in simple language. Disease was diagnosed at a very  advanced level. He passed away with  a month  of being  diagnosed. During  this one month  we nearly  lost  him once.

I  don't  want the focus to  my thoughts on  his disease or his suffering. As till the very  end he didn't complain he kept  on  telling  everyone I  am  fine (main theek hoon). He was very  self sufficient even  working as much  as he can till  very  end. I  hope I  am  as strong  as he was. He lived a very  good life.  He was a very  happy  person. A Mechanical  Engineer,  very  hands on. He saw many  ups and downs in  career. He was really  good at  what  he did, except  judging  people. He joined his hands with some bad and selfish partners in  his business. He was able to  stand up  straight  from  the losses,  and was positive and restarted his business.  I  have learned a lot  from  him  about  tools and how to  use. He was also very  Tech  Savvy. He loved to  read and educate himself,  Newspapers Magazines Self help books. He taught  himself how to  use computer and was very  proficient at  it. His communication skills were really  good. 

He enjoyed Traveling,  Driving, Good Food,  Music, Dancing. He was a popular person  in  the society,  very  social. He tried his best to help  people as much  as he can. He used to  donate blood often. Education  was very  important to  him,  he always told us to  educate ourselves more. He wanted to  see his kids in  good positions. I  don't  know some times I  feel  we  did not  talk as much  as we should have talked. We didn't each other how much  we loved each other. I  don't  have any  regrets but  I  think I  could have done more,  or we should have done little more.

I  miss you  dearly... on  this day  and everyday.

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