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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Road Rage

When  you  hear  road  rage,  you  think  of people speeding racing on  the road. In  my  case Road Rage is when  I  have to  honk  at  people. I don't  speed or race with  any one. I  commute almost  two  hours a day, on  weekdays. I  also  like to  keep  a safe distance from  the car  in  front  of me. I  am  also  not  a very  much lane changer. As I  have realized that every time I  change my  lane the other  one starts going  faster,  So  I  hardy mess with  changing  lanes often. I  would like to  admit  that I  don't  love driving, as much  as I  l enjoy sitting on  the passenger seat. Not that I  hate driving.  I  commute everyday  and try  not  to  complain  about  it.

During  this time I  really  enjoy  listing  to  FM or I have become regular  with  listening  to  my audiobooks, I  don't  mind it,  is  what  I  am  trying  to  say. Then  I  see people going  crazily on  the road  non stop changing  lanes,  keeping no distance  from  the car in  front  of them. People I  really cannot  stand is the ones who cut  in  front  of you without  an indicator or without  enough space for them  to  move in  the lane. That's when  I  usually  honk, but do  they  even  care or listen. So  my  guess is I  honk  for my  satisfaction, as they are not  going  to  change.

So  one day  I  decided,  let  me control  myself and let  them  be and not  honk  at  them  at  all. It  was really  hard at  first  but  then  I  got  used to  ignoring  those people. I  take this as an  opportunity  to  teach  myself that if I  can control  my  self only  this much  that will  help  me in  long  run. Eventually  I  will  be able to  ignore much  bigger things that I  don't  have control  over.

Just  my  thoughts ....Keep driving and stay  safe  

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