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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Slim vs Fit

I  also  dream  that one day  I  will  have the so  called best figure. I  will  be able to  wear  those short  dresses  "by  short  I  mean  short  at  waist"

Like everyone I  have my  own  struggles with my weight and health. I  won't  say  too bad, but  enough to  make me do  something  about  it. I  actually  gained a lot  after birth of my  second kid. Now I  look  back  and think  why  did I  let  this happen  to  me. I  lived in  such a beautiful  part of Germany. I  should have walked my  weight  off, and I  love walking. but  I  guess easier to  look  back  and say  things. I  had a toddler with  me lot of house-hold stuff to  take care and all. Sounds like excuses to  me now but that used to  be  my  reasoning.

I  always knew that I  want  to  maintain a healthy  weight. I  don't diet, I  always try  to eat  healthy. so  I  am  not  those people who keeps staring  at a piece of chocolate and keep thinking  about  when  I  will  stop  dieting. I  will  actually  pick  up  the chocolate and eat it. Portion  control  is some thing  that I  am  working on. I  should not  eat  the second piece of chocolate. I  don't  want  to  fit into  a dress or swim suit  for few days. I  want  to  feel good about  self and stay that way.

I  love carbs and who doesn't,  I  eat  bread,  tortillas,  potatoes,  rice in  moderation just  because it causes me bloating  and stomach ache.

I  exercise,  I  love doing  Zumba and elliptical in  the Gym. I  enjoy  group  exercises with  loud music as they  don't  make me  feel  that  I  am  working  out. I run every now and then. Not  a big  fan  of running, but  I  have done  my 2nd  10K and am planning to continue them  every year.

I  hate getting  on  a scale,  I  don't want  my  life to  be obsessed by  number. I  know when  my  pants don't  fit, and I  know when they  get  loose. So without scale I try  to  manage.

I  would like to  call my  self that I  am on  path to  getting  fit not getting  Slim.

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