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Monday, May 16, 2016

Pandora or Spotify

It really  amazes me when  my  little boy who's not  even  a teen  knows more about the technology. I  am  not  an  ignorant mom I  think  I know my  fair share about the ever changing  technology. Now on  second thoughts I  don't  think  I  can  keep  up  with  my  kids.

Son  : Mom what  do  you  use for radio?
Mom : Pandora
Son : Have you  tried Spotify?
Mom : No why  same internet  radio ?
Son : Don't  you  get  ads or Do  you  have the paid one with  no  ads?
Mom : I  do  get ads they  are annoying  but oh  well
Son : Try  Spotify
Mom : Why  does that have no  ads
Son : It does but  once you  watch  an  ad you  don't  get  ads for next  30 minutes. So  its better to  watch  one ad and be ad free for 30 minutes. Isn't that nice, try  it  next  time.

Mom is sold but still too  lazy  to  download a new app and mess with it. May  be I  will  get  to  it  some day.

with this he now walks in  the house with  tablet playing  his favorite songs,  showing  off trying  to  play  DJ with the volume buttons.

This also  makes me think  of my  mom who still  like listen  to  the real  radio. Old school with  batteries in  the radio  off the air not  on  internet.

I  don't  even  think kids these day  can understand such  thing  exists,  people can  survive without internet

Me watching different generations and comparing with a sigh !!

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